Monday, September 6, 2010

The Hubby Survey

Even though he's not my hubby, M is a huge part of my life & has been for a long time.
Inspired by/Stolen from Domestic Divinity

How long have you been together:
9 years in October.

How old is he? We're the same age, so both soon to be 24. Yes, young to be together so long, but please don't call us high school sweet hearts! Drives us nuts and we have changed so much since those days.

Who said I love you first?
M actually. He wrote it on a piece of paper in a science class. I still have that somewhere, (even if he was too young to really mean it yet, I still adore it).

Who eats more? Me, definitely, once I get into eat mode. M isn't a huge eater and doesn't have the huge passion for food I have. He eats to live, I live to eat. I think I shock him with how much sometimes.

Who is taller?
M is.

Whose temper is worse? I'd like to say it's a close call, but I know it isn't.

Who does the laundry? We don't yet live together, but I definitely do more laundry as an individual.

Who sings better? I'd like to think I sound fantastic against the car radio, but I'm pretty sure we'd come equal last on this.

Very old pic of M making fun of me posing. I was very sick here.

Who is smarter? M is the smartest person I know, alongside my father. Not to say I am silly, of course.

Who does the dishes? M is quite good at cleaning if I cook.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? M does. That's the boy side as far as I'm concerned.

Who pays the bills? Completely equal and when we live together it is planned to be completely shared. I already take charge of some and him of others that are shared. I hate being out of the loop so I'd never let him do it all.

Who mows the lawn? When we have one, it will be M's job, (and this will be the first he's heard of it). I wouldn't do it properly anyway.

Who cooks dinner? Me, unless there's steak and Mum's around, then M. He helps if he's around, though.

Who drives when you are together? M all the time. I'm not a fan of driving.

Who is more stubborn? Me. Without doubt!

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Neither.

Whose parents do you see the most? Probably mine as while we're still at home M stays over a lot, (more space), but I do make a point of visiting his house once a week too.

Who has more friends? I'd say M has more friends, but I am closer to mine.

Who has more siblings? Equal. Sister for M, brother for me.

Was it love at first sight? No way - I used to despise him for various high school reasons.

Nat x

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